It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our friend and founder, Les Druitt on August 30, 2020.

From those of us who worked with Les in a professional relationship, he is remembered for his continual optimism, his creativity in problem solving, his readiness to tell a great story, his wit, and his sense of humor.

Perhaps most importantly, Les wanted to do right by everyone: his employees, his clients, and even those he negotiated with across the table.  The culture that Les created and nurtured in his firm was built on that principle.

And we carry on that culture as Integris Applied in Les’ memory, in his honor, and because it’s the right thing to do.

We’ll miss you Les.  We hope to continue to make you proud.


Les’ full obituary is located here.  If you would like to comment and offer a memory of Les, please do so there, where his family will appreciate reading it.