In 2015, a US-based multi-billion dollar workers compensation firm was facing a problem familiar to many successful enterprises – rapid expansion leading to organizational fragmentation and inefficiency. Growth had resulted in multiple operating units and a variety of business processes, core systems, management practices and cultural attitudes. Rather than operating as a cohesive whole, the firm had evolved into a federation of cooperative business units.
Texas Department of Information Resources
Integris Applied has a history of finding innovative solutions to seemingly intractable challenges. See how we helped the Texas Department of Information Resources in their quest to modernize Texas government.

Technology Enabled Business Transformation
Public and private organizations have established new approaches to transformation where enabling technology is often delivered by third parties. But, the time required to establish third-party agreements is often at odds with the urgency of transformation.
State Government The ‘Death’ of the Mainframe
The death of the mainframe has been a popular topic of discussion for some time, and yet it continues to be an important element of many technology environments. Although some organisations are managing the graceful decline of the mainframe, others are maintaining an environment where its role is evolving.

Georgia Technology Authority
Since 2008, Integris Applied executives have been helping the Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) improve the State’s infrastructure. GTA has established a new benchmark for state government technology management and taken advantage of a public/private collaboration where best-in-class technology is provided “as a service”.