Integris Applied Managing Director Patrick Moore Speaks at NASCIO

Integris Applied Managing Director Patrick Moore moderated a panel at the 2019 National Association of State CIOs Annual Conference National Harbor, MD.  This pinnacle event for all state CIOs and industry partners provides an opportunity to develop the ideas and relationships that will improve government efficiency and government services for citizens across the country.  Integris Applied is committed to helping governments use technology to improve citizen engagement and appreciates our working relationship with NASCIO.

Moore moderated a panel titled “State CIO as Broker: Exploring a Multisourcing Model.”   Participating on the panel were Commonwealth of Virginia CIO Nelson Moe, North Carolina CIO Eric Boyette, and Georgia Technology Authority Chief Operating Officer Dean Johnson.  The panel discussion previewed the release of a joint Integris Applied/NASCIO publication “The State CIO Operating Model:  A Playbook for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way.”  This publication is the fourth in a series exploring the role of a modern CIO and the frameworks that will enable a CIO’s success.

Moore said during the panel discussion “The state CIO role has evolved and requires CIOs to have an “operating system” to manage the competing forces a leader faces in complex political environments such as state government,” continued Moore.  “CIOs are critical to a successful government enterprise and we believe that helping them serve as conductors in an orchestra with many players will improve outcomes for government and citizens alike.”

Les Druitt, Integris Applied CEO, stated “Integris Applied believes the state CIO role is a driver of change in government.  We are committed to improving government services through the use of technology and are thrilled to participate with NASCIO in a project designed to draw on CIO experiences.  Governors and legislatures around the country will benefit from this work.”

The panel was covered by State Tech Magazine, and you can read the article here.

More information on the ‘CIO as a Broker’ can be found by clicking the following links: